Selling at NM Ski Swap
We’re still finalizing the schedule for the next NM Ski Swap, please check back mid-summer, thanks!

Selling Your Gear
Why Sell With Sandia Peak?
• Free Parking for drop-off on Friday and pickup on Sunday. Show your gear for sale on Friday and your gear receipt on Sunday to get in.
• You determine your prices, but we can help you determine the value of your items if needed.
• We give you cash at the real, original, and largest ski swap since 1967!
How To Price
First off, ask yourself this….Do I want to sell it, or do I want to try to make a bunch of money and pick it up Sunday if it doesn’t sell? You can do either, that’s the beauty of the NM Ski Swap.
But if the answer is SELL, then make sure you price your items reasonably so that someone will want to pay that amount for that 8 year old pre-owned item. Many times we see very used items on the floor priced MORE than a new item right next to it. We know you paid X amount of dollars for those skis in 2015 (we all struggle with that as patrollers selling our own gear at swap), but someone else may only be willing to pay a much lower price for them now.
Go online, check ebay for your item, click “Used”, then “Sold Items” down in the search options, and you’ll get a sense for what your item has sold for. Just make sure you specify “Sold Items”, as that’s the price someone will, and has paid for it.
How To Sell
Drop off your equipment on Friday, 10 AM to 7 PM, at the West Doors of the Manuel Lujan Complex (Building B) at Expo New Mexico. Each item needs a $.50 tag. Public items are on sale Saturday only so price accordingly for your best chance of selling. 15% commission goes to the Sandia Peak Ski Patrol. Equipment donations accepted.
Sunday Pickup
Return to the north end of the Manuel Lujan Building to collect your payment or any unsold items. Your payment will be the amount you priced minus the 15% commission. Please note that any unclaimed items after 2 PM on SUNDAY will not be the responsibility of the Sandia Peak Ski Patrol.
Items Not Accepted
Items NOT accepted: Mittens, gloves, hats, socks, or long underwear. Also, old unserviceable equipment (see below).
Change Prices
Head to the “Problem Solving” table and the patrollers there will help you adjust your items price during the Friday VIP, or Saturday sale. Public gear is not for sale on Sunday.
Bindings Check
During the NM Ski Swap, all ski bindings will be checked against the industry’s list of supported ski bindings. Some bindings are no longer supported by manufacturers after a few years due to safety concerns. As a result, ski shop technicians cannot adjust such bindings to ensure skier safety. The ski patrol prioritizes skier well-being by preventing the sale of unsupported bindings at the Swap, ensuring customers can have their bindings adjusted and ski safely.